Battlefield Exhibiting at DSEI 2023
July 27, 2023

{Defense and Security Equipment International (DSEI) Tradeshow 2023, is the global leader in its league, is where minds meet, ideas flow, and knowledge is shared on a massive scale. It's a gathering like no other, representing the entire supply chain of this dynamic sector.
DSEI 2023 covers the following 5 main sections: Air, Land, Naval, Security & Joint. Brace yourself for the latest and greatest equipment and systems that will be on full display.
The main exhibition and free seminars will keep you engaged and inspired from September 12th to 15th, 2023, all happening at ExCeL, London.
Make sure to swing by Battlefield's booth at H4-710. Experience groundbreaking solutions and meet our team of experts who are passionate about shaping the future of defense and security.
See you at DSEI 2023! Let's make this event one to remember!
Visit our booth at: H4-710}