Kevin DeMille (Picture Taken July 6th, 2023)
July 17, 2023

{For any local Haldimand friends who may have noticed our flags at half mast last week, we wanted to share the reason.
We are very sorry to have to let you know that our critically important team member Kevin DeMille passed away suddenly after some health complications on Sunday July 9th 2023. Kevin was well loved by everyone who had the pleasure of working with him. His computer tech skill set seemed to fly in the face of the saying: “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Always approachable and willing to help anyone with computer, data entry or accounting software issues, he never complained but would look after each issue quickly and effectively. He also provided critically important oversight to our complex production scheduling.
Kevin was one of our brightest team members and the king of “cool”. He also had the driest humor this side of the Sahara desert, that always hit the mark. Many tears have been shed for him here after his unexpected passing. Kevin was truly irreplaceable. Our Battlefield family extends our sincerest condolences to his family.}