To: Our US defense customers and specifically those who voted for Trump (Part 1 of 2)
February 4, 2025
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{From: Battlefield International Inc. President, Founder and Owner: Steve Fenton, Cayuga Canada
At Battlefield International Inc. we believe that truth, and integrity of character, are more important than our company’s bottom line. Our entire team is very proudly Canadian. We are very glad to be supporting the US Defense industry with needed technical solutions not available anywhere else. We are diligent in making sure our products are supplied to the USA and NATO friendly countries alone and never entertain orders regardless of how large or profitable from bad acting countries. Battlefield presently has the largest dollar value of booked orders in our history, with a significant portion of it from our highly valued US customers. We already can claim our EnduroLink fuel coupling is the global NATO world standard in the UAV defense world. As well, our fluid coupler products are presently populating almost all the latest and most advanced Land Systems tanks and light armored vehicles being produced in the USA as well as around the world. I need to be clear that we are not going to discount our parts whatsoever, considering any tariff that may end up occurring was done as a ridiculous and fabricated emergency measure with no merit whatsoever. I do agree with strengthening our border, so bad actors don’t bypass US Customs to get into the USA, and I also care that we are doing our part to get illegal drugs eliminated from our country and from yours. Our government has already taken the steps required to satisfy your countries concerns almost at the speed that Trump works. However, when we did exactly what Trump asked of us, nothing changed in his overall dictator-like goals regarding our sovereign country we love.
In 2025, is it not still OK in the USA, to openly align yourselves with a political party, state all the reasons you voted for your president, and even that you plan on voting for them again, while still being able to openly disagree with any specific policy or behavior of the party and leader? Do you expect that any level of criticism towards the tiniest portion of Trump’s actions would release a Trump “Shock and Awe” push-back designed to keep you all in line? Are you concerned the smallest critique of your President would open the floodgates of hostility from Trump himself, and/or from your fellow Trump supporters? For that reason alone, have you decided to “keep any concerns to yourself’? Is your party morphing into one with zero tolerance for any even slight concerns being able to be discussed openly? If this describes you, congratulations, you could also live long and thrive in North Korea, Iran, Russia and China, where total unquestioning support is required to stay alive and to avoid the whole unpleasant torture thing.
For those of you who are proud citizens of the USA, ask yourself how you would conduct yourselves if your country’s sovereignty was joked about and your country is waved off with a chuckle and sneer as having nothing of value needed by another powerful country? This is, to be clear, highly offensive to all of we Canadian’s as it would be to you as well if you were facing something similar.
Did we learn nothing from the Nuremberg trials? It is quite easy now to look at the SS and Nazi soldiers and commanders and say, “did you not see what you were doing?” while reasoning to ourselves that: “if I were in the same position as those unfortunate Germans, I would not get drawn into that crowd!” In the movie “Inglorious Bastards” staring Brad Pitt, which group do you best align with?
We are your proud Canadian neighbors to the north, your very long-term friends, and battle shoulder to shoulder with your soldiers and our brothers in arms, in critically important conflicts.}
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