News Archive
July 2, 2020

Jake's continuous efforts to create value across a wide range of Departments has propelled him to become a vital team member who understands, appreciates, and expresses a strong desire to exceed company goals and objectives. Jake's awareness and unique understanding of Battlefields internal routing, general process flow and Engineering Department has allowed him to flourish in his Design Lead role. As a critical member of the design team and our Engineering Department, Jake has shown a continuous desire not only to learn, but to progress, and so we are delighted to recognize his abilities and promote him to Senior Designer / Process Engineer. Thank you for who you are and the value you bring to this company everyday.

Had our first ventilator MVAC assessment today at Hamilton General. We were there three hours and the medical staff were taught how to use the device. They made some minor requests for some code changes but all in all, the assessment was a great success. Several doctors came by to see it and we left one there for continued assessment. We now are confident that once we make the suggested updates to the program, that our MVAC could fill a need should we reach a place where there was an urgent shortage of ventilators. We were able to demonstrate our patient instigated breath timing mode as well.

We need to thank Alectra Utilities and Mike Montgomery for their critical assistance in helping us realize our ventilator. This COVID 19 pandemic has been a terrible blow to the world. There are glimmers of "good" that comes from the hearts of individuals and their corporations who want to make a difference. Alectra Utilities has shown they are more than a "bottom line" company in providing their capable team member Mike to us to populate our MVAC electronics cards while paying his wages to assist us. You can see how tiny some components are that Mike is working with in the attached pic. Our country needs more corporations like Alectra Utilities that are run by people who have true hearts for their community.

CHCH News stopped by Battlefield today to experience our new MVAC manual ventilator automation control unit designed to assist with the Covid pandemic.

The Sachem has put together a news story regarding our Manual Ventilator Automation Control design and effort. Read the article here:

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