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We need to thank Alectra Utilities and Mike Montgomery for their critical assistance in helping us realize our ventilator. This COVID 19 pandemic has been a terrible blow to the world. There are glimmers of "good" that comes from the hearts of individuals and their corporations who want to make a difference. Alectra Utilities has shown they are more than a "bottom line" company in providing their capable team member Mike to us to populate our MVAC electronics cards while paying his wages to assist us. You can see how tiny some components are that Mike is working with in the attached pic. Our country needs more corporations like Alectra Utilities that are run by people who have true hearts for their community.

The Sachem has put together a news story regarding our Manual Ventilator Automation Control design and effort. Read the article here:

CHCH News stopped by Battlefield today to experience our new MVAC manual ventilator automation control unit designed to assist with the Covid pandemic.

Here is where we are with our manual ventilator automation project. This is a render and not a photo. Changes from this image include adding carrying handles, and the control panel will have a slightly different layout and we will mark the function of the switches and dials with bright white laser marking. We are presently completing the electric circuitry, and we are going to add a mode that enables the patient's natural breathing to control the pulses. When the patient begins naturally drawing in air, a pressure sensor uses that to signal an assisted breath. By tomorrow, we should have more than half of the raw materials here for the 100 unit production. Trying to get this done quick, but also make it the way it should be made.

Looking for Purchasing and Supply Chain volunteers to help with our COVID 19 fight. Battlefield International Inc. Is looking for volunteers to help us speed along the realization of our automation kit for manual ventilators we are developing at light speed. We have been developing this under the full direction of our medical friends at Hamilton Health Sciences. Right now, there are innovative people doing their best to design ventilators all over the world. There are lots of great ideas and we wish every developer well. Our approach is one where we are trying to include the best possible control and adjustability to enable doctors to vary the most parameters they wish to have access to for unique patient needs. Watch the Ventilator test: After extensive meetings with local medical experts to ensure our approach will be the best technically it can be, we are having our final design meeting tonight. Our designers are working right through until morning to finalize the design and lock it in. First thing tomorrow our CNC programmers and machining staff are going to work as long as possible Tuesday, right through the night if necessary to be sure the parts are available the first possible moment. Our staff are donating their overtime to this cause and have a passion for getting this done. We are still doing our best to meet our Aerospace and Defense customer needs during regular work hours. Once our design is locked in, we will be identifying performance characteristics required for many ventilator control panel valves, timers, flow controls, pneumatic circuitry and fittings. The task we need help with is to locate volunteers who will go online and try to locate products that both meet the specifications of each component. But it's also critical that they are also available in quantity. Interested parties should send their resume's for these volunteer positions to As soon as our product fully meets the preferred criteria the medical community would like to have, we will be releasing the design and drawings online so it can be copied and produced by any company or people that are able to produce them to help this cause. I can promise you, should you be able and willing to help, the negative effects on the mood of all of us when pondering this unfortunate pandemic with be replaced in part with hopefulness. We will be choosing who to work with by locating the most experienced, quick and dedicated people we can find. Pneumatic systems experience would be another helpful quality. -Stephen Fenton, President Battlefield International Inc.

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